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  • Cabin stuff:

    • A throw rug (for next to your bed)

    • Another throw rug (to sit on outside)

    • Warm blanket (it has gotten very chilly at night!)

    • Tacky cabin decorations (in the seasonal themes)

    • Fan & extension cord for your cabin (people seem to like the white noise, and a bit of a breeze)

    • Gifts to share for your cabin group (this is not at all mandatory, nor even expected, but some counselors like to bring little gifts for their cabin. If you do so, please make it something small, like a bandanna, stickers or temporary tattoos, etc.)


  • For your campers

    • Games & toys for them to use while they're there (both quiet & loud)

    • Children’s books (to be read at night - even the older campers like kid's books)

    • If you (or your parish) would like to sponsor a day of healthy snacks, please let us know


  • For activities

    • Things to share for afternoon activities (sports equipment, etc.)


  • Personal stuff

    • A book or magazine (you will have some time off each day for yourself)

    • Cell phone (and charger)

    • Musical instrument &/or sheet music

    • Food (if you’re on a particular diet) and/or snacks & soda pop, coffee creamer, etc. – Non-refrigerated food will be kept in our office area of the lodge.  Refrigerated food will be kept in the camp’s kitchen and the kitchen staff can help you get it out.  If you have specific food needs (like good coffee or chocolate or soda-pop), you will need to bring those for yourself, and it would be nice to bring some to share, too!

    • Sheets & blanket (instead of a sleeping bag – but the beds are SMALL!)

    • a travel coffee mug

    • a water bottle (please bring extras to give to campers, if you have them)

    • Prescription meds (they are kept in a tackle box, so you can put them all in a bag or even a daily dispenser - put your name on the holder)

    • Over the counter medicine you may need

    • If you have something for your cabin that needs a plug, bring an extension cord – there are only plugs near the light bulbs 

    • Ear Plugs (if someone snores, you'll thank me!)


  • Things you don’t need to bring

    • Please don’t bring any alcohol onto campus.  And, if you smoke, you must do so off the property (at the end of the driveway)

    • Anything you would be deeply upset if broken or lost (you can keep valuables in your car, but we can’t guarantee safety


Our Christian overnight summer church camp welcomes all regardless of religious affiliation.

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